which languages arespoken by viewers of the original video. Forecast how much budget to allocateto translating videos. Analyze the performance of localized content. See whichkeywords are most popular in different regions. 5. Why Is It Important To LookAt The Overall Revenue And CPMs Per Country? To identify the potentialadvertising agencies in each country to target. To identify how each countrycontibutes to overall revenue based on viewership and CPMs. To identify thedemographics in each country. To verify the macro level market trends thatinfluence viewership, CPM, and ad rates. 6. When Optimizing For Mobile, What IsNot Part Of The Standard Checklist? See if video titles have important keywords infront. Change the font for the channel description. Look at video Italy WhatsApp Number Data thumbnails atsmaller size. Check channel art on mobile screens. 7. How Can Reading VideoComments Inform The Channel’s Content Strategy? Change the programming schedulebased on comments from early fans. Determine what your most popular searchterms are. There’s no value in reading comments. Identify what types of contentappeal to the audience. 8. How Does YouTube Provide Opportunity ForMicro-Moments? YouTube allows brands and creators to upload short videos. to get infront of audiences at criticalmoments in the consumer journey. YouTube 
decreases time betweenupload and impression. YouTube enables brands to increase ad formats. 9. A KeyConsideration When Evaluating A Video Description Is: Are important words inall caps? Does the description use correct punctuation? Do the video title anddescription start with the same word? What is visible on the top 3 lines? 10.Why Is It Important To Connect Your YouTube Channel With An AdSense Account? Sothat you can get paid for ad revenue. So that you can enable different adformats. So that ads can run on the channel. So that you can enablemonetization on the channel. 11. What Low-Investment Strategies Could A ChannelDo That May Help Increase Viewership In A