The purpose of User Personas is to create reliable and realistic representations of key audiences for reference. These representations should be based on qualitative and quantitative user research and web data analysis .user peoplePeople help focus decisions on site components by adding a level of real-world consideration to the conversation. They also offer a quick and cost-effective way to test and prioritize those features during the development process.Here is an example of user personas:user people6.
Analyze the CompetitorsCompetitor analysis is one of the main steps in Special Data the process of redesigning a website and also represents a signal of awareness of one's status, i.e. consideration of the presence of others on the market .In online marketing, competitor analysis serves above all to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors, guaranteeing strategic information both offensively and defensively in terms of positioning for certain keywords, estimated traffic, advertising investment.But not only that, a correct analysis of competitors must also try to identify their strengths in terms of:usability and user experienceservices offered and opportunitiesshortcomings in terms of tools and/or processespositioning opportunitiesopportunities in terms of contentThe web is full of tools and insights on the topic, for our part we can only recommend identifying a maximum of 4 competitors and focusing only on those.

The analysis of many data and elements can become too complex a task, making us lose sight of the real objectives.7. Use quality imagesStudies show that people remember 80% of what they see and only 20% of what they read . But images are not always effective. Images communicate much more than we think, so when using images, it is important to always ask yourself “Why did you choose that image and not another?” and “Why did you place the image there and not somewhere else?”My advice is to always invest in quality content , both at a writing (copywriting) and visual level.Hire a good photographer and get quality shots of your product, service or facility. Value quality and look for a voice that leaves its mark. The best way to trivialize your work is to use an obvious photo: avoid this at all costs.