So the same top rule applies here as with the relaunch : Necessary changes are implemented weeks in advance (for example, if content needs to be changed, the URL structure changes, etc.) Step 2: Choosing the right time If possible, during the time with the least traffic/sales. Create a precise schedule that everyone involved is informed about. Step 3: Prepare all necessary forwarding rules. Every URL from the old domain must be redirected to the corresponding.
Prepare all the necessary rules for this too. RewriteEngine On Special Data RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} With this rule you redirect all your old URLs to the new URLs. However, I strongly recommend that you have your IT department check all forwarding rules. Step 4: Optional: Make any necessary changes At least four weeks before launch If further changes to the website are necessary, make them now. Example: Your URL structure changes or your content is revised. Step 5: Introduction of the new domain name in the content At least four weeks before launch So that.

Google and your users already get wind of your new domain name, I recommend that you mention your new domain name in your content. Example: You write about your team: “We at Example Page A attach great importance to…” Then you change the paragraph to: “We at Example Page A – soon to be Example Page B – attach great importance to…” If you want to introduce a new logo, now is the right time! Cat shocked - new domain If possible, introduce your brand before redirecting to the new domain so that you don't shock the search engines (and your customers)! Step 6: Mirror the contents of the old domain 1:1 on the new one.