You become familiar. You build a knowledge schema. You understand the product, its benefits, other possible solutions, other aspects, and after all that, you feel ready to make a purchase. When we look at how the SERP is set up, with the emphasis on blue links complemented by SERP features, we see that only a very linear knowledge path is envisaged. The SERP is designed to provide quick responses, either through SERP features or content through ranked URLs. Put simply, the SERP is not designed for crawling.
It is not designed to delve Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data deeper into a subject. Even the Knowledge Graph mainly gives you the possibility of horizontal exploration. It allows you to move from one piece of knowledge to another, but not necessarily to go deeper into any of them. Consider the case of a celebrity, for example Oprah: Oprah Winfrey, Google result Google, with its Knowledge Panel, does two things here (basically): It provides general/contextual information (via the Overview tab). It connects you to other resources related to the entity (via the Books, Videos and Films and TV programs tabs).

Compare with how Wikipedia approaches the same entity: Oprah Winfrey, summary Wikipedia Here, instead of just being plugged into entity-related resources, we get a much deeper dive into the different facets that make up Oprah's identity, from her childhood to her controversies to her political influence, his impact on society and his career in cinema. This isn't to say that Google doesn't know how to segment a topic so that it can be easily crawled through the SERPs. It does this very well for “Covid” SERPs, for example: SERP covid France - Google Search In this case, Google segments the general topic in a format that allows the user to easily explore the different.