He also points out that " the EU teaches us that among citizens there are many more things that unite us than those that separate us . That is why I would like to see greater action regarding refugees." The young woman reflects on the challenge of migration and considers that in the case of economic migration "it seems interesting to support fair trade and try to contribute as much as possible to the development of countries from their own source or origin." However, "in the case of political migration or migration due to war conflicts, I consider it important to dedicate more resources to following up on families once they have relocated here. However, long before reaching that point, I consider it imperative to improve living conditions.
life in refugee camps. "I think it is important to vote, in general, because of the challenge that populism and the rise of extreme parties currently pose," he concludes. Although he believes that perhaps fragmentation could bring something good: "It can be an opportunity for true politics to re-emerge and for the parties to dialogue until they reach Sweden Mobile Number List an agreement that is beneficial for everyone, in the long term and not just for their voters." Katharina (21 years old), Germany — "Thanks to the European Union we can make a difference in the face of great challenges such as climate change" Young Europeans: Katharina - Germany Climate change is one of the global problems that most worries Katharina, a student from Munich.

Precisely for this reason she claims the importance of the European Union so that countries are capable of facing great challenges: "Together we are stronger." To tackle climate change, he believes the EU must implement "transnational plastic rules" as well as "invest in renewable energy and reduce prices for environmentally friendly transport . " In addition, he assures that the freedom of movement and job opportunities between countries that young people have are a great advantage of being part of the European Union, something "especially important for countries where young professionals cannot find a suitable job." , he points out.